Monday, August 31, 2009

Jerry's Jones's other building-related problem

The lawsuits have begun flying over the Cowboys' Valley Ranch practice field structure collapse. The fabric-covered steel structure collapsed May 2, tragically injuring 11 people, including permanently paralyzing one coaching assistant. Not named (so far) in the filings are the Cowboys team or the City of Irving, which says it cannot find the official, engineer-stamped submittal drawings from 2003 for the lightweight structure. The City has also faced questions about an alteration done in 2008 before the collapse that involved replacing the fabric skin (a critical part of the structural integrity of the roof). According the the Dallas Morning News, structural steel modifications were made during the skin replacement job that were not mentioned in a permit application filed with the City. Irving never inspected the alteration work. Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne has called for an investigation of the Building Department's record keeping practices. Many conflicting statements, disavowals of responsibility, and cover-ups of apparent mismanagement of the engineering design and documentation are showing up.
At one point it was reported that the Cowboys team was listed as the building contractor in some filed documents, which would be very unusual. Perhaps the real story will be revealed; I support Ms. Van Duyne's efforts to get an investigation underway.

Folks, here's a lesson--enlist a reputable engineer with solid, relevant experience, and follow that engineer's recommendations. That goes especially for experimental, cutting-edge structures.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jerry Jones's Videoboard Dilemma

This should be interesting to watch. During the first pre-season game in the Dallas Cowboy's new mega-stadium, a punter for the Tennessee Titans hit the mega-videoboard hanging 90 feet above the playing field. Jerry Jones was asked later whether he was planning to raise the videoboard. He said he was not, that the board was five feet higher than the NFL minimum clearance of 85 feet, and under normal playing conditions it would not interfere with a punt. The punter was trying to hit it, said JJ. Plus, punters normally kick for distance, not height, and tend to kick right or left, not down the middle of the fiels, Jones continued.

I agree that the punter probably was trying to hit the board. Did you see his grin after the kick? The nicking resulted in a do-over.

Joe Avezzano, former Cowboys special teams coach, said after the game that he dreaded do-overs when his team was receiving, since he knew they would be more tired than in the first play.

HKS, the architects for the stadium, had no comment. Surprised?

I have no idea about the cost of raising the mega-videoboard. Jones says raising it would worsen the viewability of the board from some seats.

Game announcer Troy Aikman said it was a good thing the punter who hit the board was not wearing a Cowboy uniform, or he would be looking for another job. Probably true.

How many nickings will it take before Jerry changes his mind and raises the board? Stay tuned.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Texas adopts BIM for its facilities

The Texas Facilities Commission has adopted BIM for state design and construction projects. See:

BIM Intermediate class a big success

We just finished a great BIM Intermediate class at Collin College. In ten 4-hour sessions we focused mainly on Tekla, but supplemented that with some interoperability studies and overall BIM concept discussions. Also covered lots of structural construction document conventions and construction details. Thanks to my co-instructor Glenn Ihde and Susan Berger from Glenn Ihde & Company ( for making this a great learning experience for everyone.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

BIM and Beyond

What's cool about BIM (Building Information Modeling)?

It's so holistic and powerful. It's not necessarily the fastest way to design a building, but it adds so much value to the design process, the construction process, and the final built work that it leaves other methodologies in the dust.

You create a virtual model of the building in computer space. It's both 3D and 4D (space plus time) and embodies building qualities and qualities both physical and abstract.

Borromini would've loved it. The more three-dimensional or sculptural the envisioned design is, the more benefit is possible to be gained by using BIM.

Wow, what would Borromini or Michaelangelo think if they walked in to an architectural design studio today and saw the tools we have?

Let's get this rolling.

This is my first blog post. This will be lots of fun. Buildings, ideas related to buildings, building as metaphor, commentary on architects' work, exploring why architecture matters. Physical buildings and the thoughts they spring from and thoughts they inspire. No esoteric BS. Real stuff (what's more real than a thought?).